Impress Attending Coaches
Showcase Tournaments
Competitive Tournament Soccer
Only for players selected at Seasonal tryouts in
April, June, September & December,
or by application.
Join NCE Soccer Programming

Enrolled Players Benefits
NCE Soccer Regions
Soccer Programming By Region
College ID Testimonials

Attending the NCE Camp is a fantastic opportunity for coaches and players to connect, network and interact for the entire week. Players got to experience typicaL college soccer sessions, along with full sided 11 v 11 matches in front of all the attending coaches.
Alex Suprise,
Assistant Coach, St. Bonaventure

John, Evan, and the rest of the NCE staff always put on a fantastic event. They’re prepared, well-organized, and ensure a high caliber group of players for us to work with. NCE events are fun to attend and worth our time for personal development and recruiting.
Brett Axelrod
Assistant Coach, Saint Peter’s University